I Wrote a Super Nintendo Emulator From Scratch

I have to admit that the title is not 100% correct. To be honest, I wrote something that allows playing some ROMs to some extent. Writing a complete emulator with all features including sound and all available co-processors would probably be a full-time project for many years. Yet, I'…

Reviving My 2-Year-Old LED Matrix Project

I love technology and I love colorful blinking things. That's why a RGB LED matrix was one of my first projects when I got my 3d-printer some years ago. However, this project did'n turn out well in my opinion. First, the 3d-printed frame always looked boring…

Meine Vortragshighlights vom 38C3

Wie letztes Jahr habe ich dieses Jahr wieder den Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg besucht. Auch dieses Jahr gab es wieder tonnenweise interessante Vorträge, die mittlerweile auch großteils auf https://media.ccc.de/ abrufbar sind. Für alle, die nicht dabei sein konnten, habe ich hier eine Liste der Vorträge zusammengestellt,…

5 Self-Hosted Tools I Can’t Live Without

Self-hosting is an exciting journey that lets you explore new tools and take control of your digital life. The possibilities are endless, and there’s always something new to discover. Over the years, I’ve tried countless self-hosted tools, experimenting with different setups and use cases. While I love testing…